If you wish to sell junk cars for cash, then follow the process mentioned in the blog. It will serve as a guide for you.
Start with market research
Knowing about the market is a must, especially when you are selling for the first time. You need to find the best place to sell junk cars. For that, you will have to look out for potential buyers.
Some websites provide you with relevant information about the market prices and the buyers. See if you can gather a list of all the potential buyers and contact them personally.
Sell junk car online
The other option to sell junk cars for cash is to opt for online platforms. There you can contact a large number of buyers in no time. All you will have to do is set up your profile, add a brief description and upload a few pictures of your car.
Get quotations for your car
You need to have an idea about your car’s value. This will help you in the negotiation process. Besides, if you know the price of your car, you won’t be fooled by the buyer’s manipulation. Online websites provide you free quotations.
Set up selling price in advance
It’s better to set your selling price in advance. Make sure it is slightly higher than the market value. The buyers usually tend to negotiate. This margin will provide a cushion for you.
It’s better to communicate face to face. Though your initial communication may happen on the phone or email, you still need to clarify some doubts. The buyers also want to have a look at your car.
Arrange for meeting
You can also arrange for a test drive for the buyers. This will give them a better idea about the condition of your car.
Close the deal with cash payment
Once you complete all the formalities, ask the buyer to pay you the entire amount in cash and on the spot. Cash payments are always safe. There is no time delay and you can use the money instantly.
Inform your insurance company
Once you sell a junk car for cash to the buyer, contact your insurance company about the sale. Ask them to stop your future premiums.
Also, contact your local department of the motor vehicle and ask them to cancel your registration. This way you won’t have any future liabilities with your car.
Ways to find the best place to sell junk cars

One is the traditional option. Visit all the nearby shops and negotiate personally. It’s easier to check the credibility of local junkyard buyers as you already know them.
They are located in an area that is known to you. Also, you can ask people living around about the company. However, the process takes some time and may not be convenient if it clashes with your working hours.
The other option is online platforms. They are convenient and quick. You will need an hour or so to set up your profile. Once you put relevant information, you will get plenty of offers from potential buyers.